What do the top 1% of software engineers do that the other 99% do not
After reading some answers, I decide to reflect and list what I did or did not in the past working year.

Invest in learning and building tools

I give myself A on this measure. I used variuos of tools, tiny tool like ssh tunnel to save my life to ssh to remote servers, complex tools like docker to build and depoly my project.
All these tools is discovered by myself, not pushed by my boss or mentor. Instead, I recommanded some tools to my mentor and friends, for example, iTerm2, oh-my-zsh, etc.

Give credit where credit is due

This rule is not very clear to me. Maybe the author think a top coder should also be a nice guy.

Impatience. Rather than wanting to spend time in meetings, top engineers write code, and spend time writing code rather than talking about it.

I hate meeting. But I can't say I spend much time on writing code. Sometimes I can't deep into coding. After writing piece of code, I would open IM app to see messages.

Total stack comprehension.

WOW! It's very high level skill, I think. It's hard for someone to break through his stack, it's harder than full stack. A back-end programmer can easily learn how to use ajax but it's very hard to learn about JVM or the compiler he use.

they solve the problem rather than doing what's asked.

Totally agree with this, and that's what I want to improve in the next year. Do more things, do the right thing, and be responsible to the project.

they choose the right level of abstraction for the task

It's not a primer skill. Know how to abstract is good, but know how to choose the right level is great. It's really depends on the teammates.

对 Paxos 的一些理解

2016-04-22 14-12-26 by Kamushin
  1. prepare 阶段是干嘛的 1. 为什么比2pc 好 2. 什么时候持久化
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Why Alipay lottery failed

2016-02-08 02-13-37 by Kamushin

some naive thinking about why alipay failed to get applause in 2016 CCTV Spring Festival Gala

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