hashHistory and browserHistory in React-Router

2016-03-17 23-09-38 by Kamushin

hashHistory and browserHistory are two kinds of common React-Router Histories implementations.
When I was using React-Router v1.0, I read the doc in github and wrote the code like this

import { Router} from 'react-router'
ReactDOM.render (( 
), document.body);

I found something in url like #/home/k=ckuvupr. What the hell is this?
I went back to the doc and changed the code with browserHistory. With the doc, I knew the default implementation is hashHistory, which will make a # -- hash in url.

import { browserHistory } from 'react-router'
ReactDOM.render (( 
 <Router history={browserHistory} >
), document.body);

However, it would not effect in v1.0, it's the way in v2.0. So I didn't see anything changed. And just for a while, I forgot to deal with this, and went to write other codes.

Today when I c&p this chunk of code to my new project, using some new tools. The build tool automatically install react-router v2.0 for me. While the hash tag is gone, and url looks like the real url. But it cause another problem, that is when the url is like the real url, it means that I should set the server side route to /* -> index.html rather than / -> index.html.
Otherwise, it will get a 404 error when the url /home is re-flushed. And the problem will not raise while using hashHistory, because the url is like /#/home and it is still /, the string after hash tag is not in the route rule. Docs about them.

I havn't find the correct way to set the server side route, because I am using a webpack-dev-server-like tool, I don't know how to change the route.
So I go back to use the ugly hashHistory.

It seems a waste of time, my fault is reading doc but not paid attention to version, but I still hate the doc because the difference between v1.0 and v2.0 is not heightlighted.
