
2015-12-23 10-49-26 by Kamushin

从一系列实际问题出发, 谈 Python 的一些使用知识

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Compare assert exception in should(JavaScript) and unittest(Python)

2015-12-22 15-16-23 by Kamushin

two different ways of assert exception.

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Write Python like a Pro

2015-12-21 17-26-57 by Kamushin

Something I know about how to write Python code

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Difference between ArrayList and Arrays.asList() in Java

2015-12-01 14-17-02 by Kamushin

ArrayList is resizeable-array, while Arrays.asList() is a "view" onto the primitives array so it's fixed-size array.

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Some tricks when using cx_Oracle

2015-11-27 16-01-57 by Kamushin

threading safe && clob

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MySQL 优化学习之路

2015-10-25 22-56-42 by Kamushin

阅读MySQL文档, 总结优化经验

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2015-10-19 23-40-31 by Kamushin

异常是什么? 语言是如何实现它的?

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2015-10-19 21-37-24 by Kamushin


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2015-10-19 21-37-24 by Kamushin

很久前就关注了陈硕的这门课,等着他结课后一次性看完,截止到现在他已经更新了40多节了, 就要结束了,所以开始刷这门课。

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